Curriculum vitae
2013 - 2014
2012 - 2013
2011 - 2012
2011 - 2012
PhD student at UQAM, Canada
MSc degree of Science and Technology History (HST), Nantes University, France
MSc degree (2nd year) in Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution (BEE) in Paul Sabatier university, with
distinction, Toulouse, France.
MSc degree (1st year) in Functional, Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology (EFCE), with distinction, in
university of Rennes I, France.
BSc degree in organism biology, with distinction, in university of Rennes I, France.
Scientific experience
Behavioural and functional ecology. Research internship on the ecological
consequences ofpersonalities of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides).
Supervised by Julien Cucherousset, Julien Cote and Simon Blanchet (CNRS
In Evolution and Biological Diversity (EDB) laboratory, France.

Behavioural and experimental ecology. Research internship on risk taking and
locomotor behaviour in natural populations of Wall Lizards (Podarcis muralis).
Supervised by Fabien Aubret (CNRS researcher).
In Station of Experimental Ecology in Moulis (SEEM), France.

Ethology. Research internship on decision making process during collective
movements in an equine social group.
Supervised by Odile Petit (CNRS senior researcher) and Léa Briard (PhD student).
In Hubert Curien Multidisciplinary Institut (IPHC), France.

Ichthyology. Voluntary internship: fish dissections, identifications, using of stable
isotope, parasitology, otholitometry and scalimetry.
Supervised by Alexandre Carpentier (Professor).
In Dinard Station of Sea Biology (CRESCO), France.

Teaching activities
2015 winter
Organisms and environment demonstrator (BIA 1700, problem-based learning) at UQAM, Canada.
Basic principes of population, community and ecosystem ecology.