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Publications & Presentations


Peer-reviewed publications


1 - Juette T., Cucherousset J. & Cote J., 2014. Animal personality and the ecological impacts of freshwater

            non-native species. Current Zoology 60 (3) : 417-427.

Other publications

Carpentier A, E. Feunteun, J. Guillaudeau, J. Lamoureux, C. Puzin, L. Frotté, L. Véron, C. Oudard,

           T. Juette, E. Gharnit, 2011. Directive cadre eau - suivi ichtyologique des masses d'eau de

           transition : compte rendu des opérations de pêche sur l'estuaire de la Loire.


- 2014 QCBS Symposium (Quebec Center for Biodiversity Science) in 2014. Speed Talk on The role of

          individual personality in metapopulation dynamics of deer mice and southern red-backed vole

          within island environment. Mc Gill University, Montréal, Canada.



- 38st annual meeting of SQEBC (Quebec Society for biological study of behaviour) in 2013. On The effects

          of population personnality composition on ecosystem functioning. Concordia university, Montréal,




- 2014 QCBS Symposium (Quebec Center for Biodiversity Science) and in 39st annual meeting of

          SQEBC (Quebec Society for biological study of behaviour) in 2014. Poster on The role of individual               personality in metapopulation dynamics of deer mice and southern red-backed vole within island               environment. Mc Gill University and UQAM, Montréal, Canada.

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